Additional Learning Resources for Aspire: Five-Week Participants

Updated on July 27th, 2024

Learning Resources

Music student studying in bay window at Berklee.


Aspire students take classes that inspire learning and curiosity. To dive further into a topic or get assistance understanding a new subject (such as music theory or arranging), check out Berklee’s music library and student learning center.

Stan Getz Library

Imagine shelves of books, sheet music, and records by your favorite artists, and you’ll get an idea of what Berklee’s Stan Getz Library is like. Over the summer, you’ll have access to on-campus services and a robust catalog of digital, print, and audio recordings.

Creative Technology Center

Music Technology Training

Learn how to record, produce, and notate music using the latest music apps and equipment. Berklee's Creative Technology Center offers events and workshops and individual training to teach you how to make music using your computer.

Musicianship Tutoring

Students are eligible to receive free tutoring from experienced undergraduate students. Whether you want to brush up on your sight-singing, work out some chord progressions, or practice dictation, musicianship tutors are available to help.